Thank you for joining us today! As you enter the bridge to enjoy the concert, please follow these procedures:
Wear a mask while on the bridge.
Once you find a spot to view the concert (marked with chalk on the ground) please remain in that spot until the performance wraps up.
Avoid clumping together with others. Space has been allowed around marked spots to allow for any bridge visitors who are not viewing the concert to move from one side to the other.
Be aware of those around you and keep a respectable social distance.
Exit the immediate area following the performance to allow for distancing as the performers disperse.
Don’t want to get too close? TUNE IN VIA SHORTWAVE FM RADIO FROM YOUR PARKED CAR: You can tune to FM frequency 97.9 FM from either side of the bridge to enjoy the performance at a very safe distance. The audio will be broadcast of a shortwave FM transmitter, so any device that can pick up an FM radio wave can listen (Android phone, car radio, handheld FM radio). For Android users: Install NextRadio App. Your phone’s FM radio chip will need be activated. Unfortunately, an iPhone device does not have a built-in shortwave radio receiver. The concert will begin shortly after 6pm on 97.9 FM. The transmission reaches approximately 1,500 feet in every direction from the base of each side of the bridge. Park nearby and even enjoy it from your car!
Having trouble with tech or want to get engaged more? For live updates directly before and during the performance, visit YPCC’s Facebook Page!
The Road Home, arr. Stephen Paulus
Light and Love, Jacob Stone
Bridge Over Troubled Water, Simon and Garfunkel
City of Light,* Jacob Stone, with special guests from the Cincinnati Boychoir
*YPCC World Premier as part of the YP Composer’s Project
About the program…
Connection is an innate human need. After seven months enduring the pandemic, people are craving the community of group music making, that particular feel of one voice blending with another, a group of people creating sound that is greater than the sum of its parts. YPCC is committed to keeping choral arts alive and thriving during the pandemic, finding ways to keep our singers and audiences safe and connected, creating innovative musical experiences in remarkable outdoor venues, and partnering with new community organizations. We may not be able to make music in concert halls (yet!), but that time will return. Until then, we will continue to creatively program in ways that nurture our community and buoy our singers and audience through a time of national hardship. Medicine may save our lives; the arts will save our hearts and souls.
Special Thanks…
Maggie Perrino and Kim Best, The Carnegie
Jason Holmes and Katie MacDonald, Cincinnati Boychoir
Joyce McMullin, Purple People Bridge & South Bank Partners
City of Newport Police Department, Special Events Division
Cincinnati Opera, YPCC’s Strategic Partner
The YPCC Donor Community, Board, and Staff
YPCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit supported by ArtsWave, the Ohio Arts Council, and local businesses and foundations. YPCC’s Young Professional Composers Project is funded by a generous grant from the David C. Herriman Fund at Greater Cincinnati Foundation.