Guest Director, Krista Cornish Scott
Accompanist, Jill Jantzen
Guests From: Cincinnati Boychoir, May Festival, Musica Sacra, Cincinnati Camarata, Church of the Redeemer Hyde Park
Illumination from Liber Scivias, by Saint Hildegard of Bingen, circa 1151/1152. The illustration depicts Hildegard receiving a vision which she relates to her male scribe/secretary.
Karitas Habundant, Hildegard von Bingen, 1098-1179
Caritas Abundant, Nancy Grundahl, 1946-
Love abounds in all,
from the depths exalted and excelling
over every star,
and most beloved of all,
for to the highest King the kiss of peace she gave.
Canti di Ildegarda, Carlotta Ferrari, 1975-
1.Nos sumus in mundo
We live within the world,
and you within our minds,
and we embrace you in our hearts
as if you’re present even now.
2. Quasi Aurora
The Son of God has come forth from
her hidden chamber like the dawn.
Historiated Initial With The Virgin Mary Striking The Devil, In 'The De Brailes Hours'
Motet for the Annunciation, Frank Ferko, 1950-
Today is the fountainhead of our salvation
And the revelation of an eternal mystery
The son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin
And Gabriel announces this grace:
Therefore let us exclaim with him to the Mother of God,
Rejoice, O Woman, full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Motet for the Nativity of the Mother of God
This is the day of the Lord, rejoice therefore, o nations!
Behold the chamber of the light and the scroll of the Living Word
Has come forth from the womb,
ready for the entrance of the High Priest, arrives this day.
She is the only one who introduces Christ
And Christ alone, into the world,
For the salvation of our souls.
Medieval Christmas nativity painting (Public domain)
O Magnum Mysterium, Morten Lauridsen, 1943-
O great mystery,
And wondrous sacrament,
That animals should see the newborn Lord
Lying in their manger!
Blessed is the Virgin whose womb
Was worthy to bear the Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia!
An abbey cellarer testing his wine. Illumination from a copy of Li livres dou santé by Aldobrandino of Siena. British Library, Sloane 2435, f. 44v
In Taberna, Carl Orff, 1895-1982
When we are in the tavern,
we do not think how we will go to dust,
but we hurry to gamble,
which always makes us sweat.
What happens in the tavern,
where money is host,
you may well ask,
and hear what I say.
Some gamble, some drink,
some behave loosely.
But of those who gamble,
some are stripped bare,
some win their clothes here,
some are dressed in sacks.
Here no-one fears death,
but they throw the dice in the name of Bacchus
First of all it is to the wine-merchant
the libertines drink,
one for the prisoners,
three for the living,
four for all Christians,
five for the faithful dead,
six for the loose sisters,
seven for the footpads in the wood,
Eight for the errant brethren,
nine for the dispersed monks,
ten for the seamen,
eleven for the squabblers,
twelve for the penitent,
thirteen for the wayfarers.
To the Pope as to the king
they all drink without restraint.
The mistress drinks, the master drinks,
the soldier drinks, the priest drinks,
the man drinks, the woman drinks,
the servant drinks with the maid,
the swift man drinks, the lazy man drinks,
the white man drinks, the black man drinks,
the settled man drinks, the wanderer drinks,
the stupid man drinks, the wise man drinks,
The poor man drinks, the sick man drinks,
the exile drinks, and the stranger,
the boy drinks, the old man drinks,
the bishop drinks, and the deacon,
the sister drinks, the brother drinks,
the old lady drinks, the mother drinks,
that woman drinks, that man drinks,
a hundred drink, a thousand drink.
Six hundred pennies would hardly suffice,
if everyone drinks immoderately and immeasurably.
However much they cheerfully drink
we are the ones whom everyone scolds,
and thus we are destitute.
May those who slander us be cursed
and may their names not be written in the book of the righteous. Io!
Detail of Leontion, from Des cleres et nobles femmes, anonymous French translation of Giovanni Boccaccio’s De claris mulieribus, Paris, c. 1400-1425, Royal MS 20 C V, f. 96v
Jolly Jankin, Michael Jones, 1947-
‘Kyrie’, so ‘kyrie’,
Jankin syngeth merie
With ‘aleyson’.
As I went on Yole day
In our prosessyon
Knew I joly Jankin
Be his mery ton:
Jankin began the Offis
On the Yole day,
And yet me thynketh it dos me good,
So merie gan he say
Jankin red the Pistil
Ful fair and ful wel,
And yet me thinketh it does me good,
As ever have I sel.
Jankin at the Sanctus
Craketh a merie note,
And yet me thinketh it does me good –
I payed for his cote.
Jankin craketh notes
An hundred on a knot,
And yet he hakketh them smaller
Than wortes to the pot.
Jankin at the Angnus
Bereth the pax-brede,
He twynkeled, but sayd nought,
And on myn foot he trede.
Benedicamus domino,
Christ from schame me schilde.
Deo gracias therto –
Alas, I go with childe!
Kýrie, eléison (Gk.) – “Lord, have mercy.”
Aleyson – woman’s name, punning on “eleison”
Yole – Yule, Christmas
Be his mery ton – by his merry tone
Offis – the office, the Introit to the mass
Pistil - epistle
As ever have I sel – as I hope always to be happy
Craketh a merrie note – sings divisions, quick short notes
On a knot – in a phrase or cluster
Wortes to the pot – herbs for the pot
Pax-brede – a silver disc, kissed during the mass
Twynkeled – winked
Benedicamus Domino – “Let us bless the Lord”
Deo Gracias therto – “Thanks be to God” as well.
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, fr. 1951, Folio 6v
"Le corbel qui menjue la cervele dou mort" - The raven eats the brains of the dead (through the eyes).
Three Ravens, Rachel Sag, 1974-
There were three ravens sat on a tree
They were as black as they might be.
The one of them said to his mate,
'Where shall we our breakfast take?'
'Downe in yonder greene field,
There lies a knight slain under his shield.
'His hounds they lie downe at his feet,
So well they can their master keep.
'His hawkes they fly so eagerly,
There's no fowle dare come him nie.'
Downe there comes a fallow doe
As great with young as she might goe.
She lift up his bloody head,
And kissed his wounds that were so red.
She got him up upon her back,
And carried him to earthen lake
She buried him before the prime
She was dead herself ere even-song time.
God send every gentleman,
Such hawkes, such hounds, and such a leman
A fallow doe – the knight’s lady
Earthen lake – pit
Prime – first hour of the day
Leman – sweetheart
Lovell Lectionary. England (probably Glastonbury), c. 1400 – c. 1410. British Library, Harley MS 7026, f. 13r.
Mosquitoes, Stephen Chatman, 1950-
Woodpecker. Koninklijke Bibliotheek, KB, KA 16, Folio 98v.
Banging against a dead bough
Now double dead bough
Tap a tap a tap
Knock a knock a knock
Peck a peck a peck
Tapping woodpecker
Bang away! Tap a tap a tap a…..
The Last Dodo, Anna Pope, 1968
Could this be the sound of the Dodo?
Imagine, surrounded by feathers
But none the same
Imagine Dodo, the last one
Imagine if you were left alone
Your friends gone
Everyone like you, gone
Surrounded by strangers who don’t understand
Who mock you for your difference
Imagine that, the last one
Imagine, can we imagine the sound of the dodo? Can we?
Can that strange lonely bird live again in the echoes of this sound?
Dodo, we sing your song.
Your song lives on.
Diamond Level: $1000+
Diane Wiesmann Serraino
Jenni Stadtmiller
Joe Stephens
Platinum Level: $500+
Saijal Andreadis
Patrick Deavy
Greta Elenbaas
Anais Graterol
Gregory Koehler
Gregg Kottyan
Diane Krumanaker
Travis Lampke
Katie MacDonald
Julia Mayer
Sarah Mayher
Joe Peacock
Kimberly Soper
Gold Level: $250+
Ashley Allison
Kathleen Angerbauer
Maxim Brumbach
Jonathan Buening
Jim & Cindy Eldred
Andrew Furey
Jennifer Kaufman
Benjamin Ko
John McEvoy
Scotty McEvoy
Katie Personke
Shawn & Bill Personke
Adam Pulskamp
Greg Rasp
Stephanie Renny
Ellen Rogers
Allison Roman
Emily Sayre
Jenny Spring
Danielle Cozart Steele
Chip & Joyce Tappan
Silver Level: $100+
Vincent & Julie Auger
Patricia Beggs
Kay Benken
Dave Brott
Jennifer Cahill
MaryLou Chamberlain
Alice Culbertson
Mary Drumm
Mary Edwards
Catherine Everitt
Mike Franzosa
Michael Gallagher
Greg Gorajski
Charles Greenman
Michael Happel
Kelly Harrington
Jeanne & Steve Hart
Matthew Heston
Roane & Phil Heston
Julie Kline
Elizabeth Drumm Ko
Samuel Lenzi
Steve Lenzi
Kelsey Eilers Lynn
Christina Mayrhofer
Olivia Moragne
KellyAnn Nelson
Maret Ozkan
Elaine & Tom Rasp
Staci Richardson
Victoria Samulski
Harriet Sansbury
Hallie Sansbury
Susan Schapiro
Tamara Scull
Cana Seip
Brittany LaMarche Smith
Joan Stevens
Laura Vedder
Louis Velazquez
Hira Weber
Nancy Wildman
Thomas Yocum
Bronze Level: $50+
Dave Brott
Nigel Cotterill
Shane & Lara Ellison
Carrie Fassler
Rick & Mary Franzosa
Joshua Garver
Ben Goodman
Patti Guethlein
Bryan Hafertepe
Emilie Hart
Rachel Hedge
Benjamin Johnson
Taylor Kelsey
Jean Kessler
Alicia Kinne
Sean Lally
Travis Lampke
Katie Personke
Kevin Rasp
Scott Roether
Juli Schultz
Carol & Tom Schuman
Abigail Scorsone
Kimberly Soper
Harry & Carol Sparks
Jocie Steinke
Deborah Stevens
Tyler Swaffar
Albert Thielen
Jessica Thielen
Gert Wallis
Frederick & Jo Anne Warren
Nataly Wickham
Erica Yang
Friend Level: $25+
Lauren Albers
Tricia Ault
Lauren Bernard
Brandon Bolt
Madeline Broerman
Nick Conda
Jessica Cook
Suzy Culbertson
Stephanie Dalsfoist
Peggy Davis
Hannah Davis
Terry Deavy
Jeanne Delahunty
Teneisha Dyer
Stephanie Eldred
Leah Everitt
Elizabeth Franzosa
Gregory Gorajski
Allison Graham
Missi Schnipke Greiner
James Hamann
Michael Happel
David Hart
Kyle Heimbrock
Kristin Hill
Guy Holloway
Kelly Holtel
Sara Hook
Margaret Hook
Suzanne Hopkins
Meredith Hughes
Tyler Hyde
Benjamin Johnson
Michele Kaufman
Kaitlin Kearney
Cody Kemper
Jayne Kennedy
Kate Kerrigan
Heepke Knickel
Anthony Lach
Julie Lineburgh
Mickey Masterson
Christina Mayrhofer
David McKinney
Stacey Midge
Stacey Moyer
Megan Ranck
Gregory Rasp
Gabriel Schenker
Kara Schirmer
Alexandra Sebren
Hannah Sexmith
Brittany LaMarche Smith
Tony Staubach
Danielle Cozart Steele
Jessica Steuver
Deborah Stevens
Jonathan Turbin
Andrea Turnquist
Justin Veigel
Grace Williams
YPCC is an innovative choral ensemble that combines Cincinnati’s love of singing, socializing, and culture for young professionals ages 21-45. YPCC is comprised of over 1,200 singers who create and share high-quality music in an accessible, fun, and social way. The ensemble brings together young, energetic people to create quality choral music and connect in a fun, social, accessible, and low-pressure environment. YPCC also creates strong connections to local businesses and arts organizations through post-rehearsal outings, unique concert collaborations, and shared resources with stellar Cincinnati arts organizations.
Jenny Spring
Executive Director
Danielle Cozart Steele
Artistic Director
Suzanne Hopkins
Design Associate
Hannah Holderby
Development Associate
Greg Rasp
Production Associate
Stephanie Eldred
Media Associate
Suzanne Culbertson
Survey Coordinator
Kathleen Personke
Caroling Conductor/Section Leader
Virginia Coleman
Media Technology Coordinator/Section Leader
Jessica Steuver
Section Leader
Michael Franzosa
Section Leader
Maxim Brumbach
Section Leader
Jonathan Buening
Community Connections
Krista Cornish Scott
Chamber Choir Conductor
Allison Roman
Procter & Gamble
Anais Graterol
Procter & Gamble
Andre DuBois
Cana Seip
ViaQuest Psychiatric and Behavioral Solutions, Inc.
Deborah Stevens
Lighthouse Youth and Family Services
Emily Sayre
Great American Insurance Group
Greg Koehler
City of Cincinnati
Hira Weber
Community Health Alliance
Joe Peacock
Cincinnati Opera
Joe Stephens
Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
Juma Reed
Seneca Financial Services / Skylight Financial Group
Kelsey Eilers Lynn
Community Foundation of Southern Indiana
Matthew Heston
UC Foundation
Patrick Deavy
National Environmental Education Foundation
Sam Lenzi
Northern Kentucky University
Stephanie Renny
Creekside Therapy Center
Tamara Scull
Elkhorn Public Defender
Sing In!
Tuesday, Aug. 23, 6:30-8:30PM
Location TBA - Check our website for details in August!
YPCC On Call is BACK! Preceding our official Season 11 kickoff, this is a fun music learning opportunity for singers who want to explore YPCC and prepare for gigs around town. Join us for an evening of merriment and music making as we learn new repertoire for performances at festivals, weddings, features with other arts organizations, and major community events.
Sing Out!
Tuesday, Aug. 30, 6:30-8:30PM
Location TBA - Check our website for details in August!
YPCC invites our friends and family to hang with us for this casual evening and performance of our new YPCC On Call music. Come meet our singers, or reconnect before the new season!
Sin & Decadence
YPCC Season 11 Fall Concert
Tuesday, October 18, 2022 - 7 PM
Joseph Knox Distillery
YPCC Season 11 fall concert kicks off the season with dancers from PONES dance company as we explore what it means to indulge: love and lust, avarice and charity, leisure and pleasure. Enjoy custom cocktails made with liquors crafted at the venue, and sample the unique and delicious wares of Joseph Knox Distillery, Central Parkway's newest addition to the Cincinnati distilling scene! Lovely outdoor seating and the gloriously spacious, welcoming indoor venue will make this an evening where you want to linger.